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West Dorset Motorhome Overnight Parking Proposal
A recent review of car parking policy in West Dorset proposed that there should be additional parking for motorhomes given the increasing number of these wishing to use the car parks. It was proposed to allow overnight parking and sleeping.
There are some designated bays in Lyme Regis however the Off Street Parking Places order restricts owners from sleeping overnight in these car parks.
The policy put before the Strategy Committee for approval, on September 12th, included the proposal that additional motorhome bays be introduced across the District with the same charges applicable for cars during the daytime and an overnight charge where sleeping is permitted (subject to planning constraints) of £10.
The Committee made the following recommendation to Full Council which will consider and make a decision on 19th October 2017:
That the policy be approved, subject to no overnight sleeping in car parks, and that further policy development and research be undertaken on provision of overnight sleeping in motorhomes.
We welcome this positive initiative by West Dorset and await the outcome of full council meeting with interest.