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All the Aires France 10th Edition

All the Aires France 10th EditionVicarious Media have produced a brand new edition of their popular All the Aires France guide.

It's in a new single A4 size book with 704 pages.

The Details

152 New Aires in France 2024.

Region maps at front of chapters.
No cover flaps. Maps also printed front and rear inside covers.
One flat map of Aires in France included.

LPG GPL listed at back of each region.
3992 detailed entries at your fingertips.

Quickest easiest way to find Aires in France?
Just 3 steps to know everything!

Look at the sheet map - select Aire by number.
Open colour coded region then numerical entry.
Choose from 12 nearby Aires across 2 pages.

How up to date is All the Aires France?

1590 Aires inspected or verified 2024
1689 Aires inspected or verified 2023
490  Aires inspected or verified 2022
106  Mostly Service point only Aires, older than 2022
1959 of the best Aires in France have been inspected Since January 2023 including 479 newly opened French Aires. During October-December All French Aires remotely verified. August 2024 everything older than 2021 rechecked.

Find any French Aire by town name 25 page alphabetical index at rear.
Empty your toilet without leaving the Motorway? Motorway Aires are marked with a letter on the Aires map and listed at the rear of the book.
Fill refillable gas bottles in France LPG stations are listed last page of chapters.

All the Aires France has been researched and published by Vicarious Media

Want the most comprehensive and up to date Aires guide for France available in any language? Each inspected French Aire has two accompanying colour images, concise directions with road names, numbers and postcodes, and GPS co-ordinates (POIs) in format: N51°04.896' E001°10.977' that were taken onsite. Service points are named and parking areas described. Desirability and local amenities explained. Exact distances to nearby towns, shops, restaurants, and places of interest. Local amenities; green spaces for exercising dogs and children, opportunities for fishing, walking, cycling or skiing.

A note from Chris and Meli, the editors and inspectors

For two decades we have been inspecting French Aires. We have visited nearly every Aire in this guide! We tell you want, and need, to know to make the best choices for you and your motorhomes and camper vans.  We hope you will delve off the beaten trail and explore more of France with this motorhoming guide.

Buy All the Aires France from the Vicarious Media Shop External link

Buy All the Aires France from the Vicarious Media Ebay Shop External link (for shipping to Europe, any tax and duty will be taken at checkout.) 


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