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Exmouth Motorhome Parking

Exmouth Town CouncilSee the latest on this story here

There have been local press articles recently, concerning the issue of motorhomes and campervans parking along the seafront in Exmouth, Devon.

Unfortunately some of the information being presented is not quite accurate.

We have been in touch with local government representatives and officers, to find out the facts.

There is no doubt that the numbers of motorhomes and campervans now parking overnight along the seafront has attracted complaints, both from local residents and visitors. Numbers are reported to have more than doubled over the last five years.

There is also no doubt that the actions of a few motorhome or campervan users is inconsiderate, and, in a very few cases, causing a health hazard due to inappropriate disposal of waste.

What we know at the moment is that an Exmouth Town Council  Working Party has been set up, to include officers from both Devon County Council (responsible for on-street parking) and East Devon District Council (responsible for off-street parking).

At a recent meeting of the Working Party all three Councils agreed that there are problems, and various solutions were put forward for further exploration. No actual decisions have been or could be taken.

One of the proposed solutions is to provide up to 100 off street parking bays for motorhomes, some with electricity hook-up, fresh water and toilet disposal facilities. Three potential locations would be considered, two of which could have these facilities provided, the third being only suitable for smaller campervans.

The Town Council is keen to stress that they are not in the business of turning away motorhomes, they are trying to provide better alternative parking arrangements than currently exist. The Chair of the Working Group stated: "we want to be the leading coastal council which provides the very best facilities for motorhome owners" but the Council also has to address public concerns.

BBC South West have covered the issue, see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0952nsr/inside-out-south-west-18092017# external link - the report starts at about 12:15.

We will be watching developments with interest, it will however be some time before any definite plans are put forward. As soon as we have more news we will publish it.



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