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Dover Parking Consultation

Dover Dc

UPDATE Nov 2016

The consultation has now ended. 

The Report and its responses were considered by Cabinet at the meeting on 5th September 2016. A total of 23 responses were received, 9 of which were comments supporting specific provision for motorhome overnight parking. One respondent voiced a complaint about the current use of Marine Parade by motorhomes but even he suggested that a specific parking are be made available and a reasonable fee charged.

We are encouraged that the response to the comments stated: "The proposed Action Plan includes a commitment to identify areas in the Dover area that can facilitate both motorhome and coach parking. The points regarding provision of facilities are noted."

As a result of the Report, the 'Parking Strategy Action Plan: Short Term' included the commitment to: "Identify areas in the Dover area that can facilitate motorhome and coach parking"

We await with interest Dover District Council's firm proposals for motorhome parking facilities.

Dover District Council have commissioned a consultation on the future parking strategy for the area.

We are very pleased to see, as a 'key issue' that parking measures for Motorhomes need to be considered, the objective being to manage parking by large vehicles, such as coaches and motorhomes, in a manner that encourages trips into the town centre without impacting upon traffic management.

The report recognises the problem of on-street overnight parking, stating 'Consideration could be given for the introduction of overnight on-street parking controls in sensitive areas of Dover (e.g. the waterfront), with alternative provision for overnight parking provided in off-street car park locations'.

Provision of motorhome parking is seen as a productive way of utilising currently under used capacity: 'A specific way that the existing available off-street capacity can be utilised in relation to issues identified within the stakeholder engagement processes for managing on-street parking of motorhomes and coaches. [...] the designation of clear off-street parking provision for motorhomes, as well as additional coach parking capacity, would be a productive use of capacity that, if delivered alongside wider visitor information measures, could attract more visitor trips into the core town centre. It could also alleviate some of the perceived issues associated with on-street parking of these larger vehicles. In the short term the Camden Crescent car park would appear to offer sufficient under-utilised capacity for consideration, subject to suitable design requirements.'

We are encouraged by this positive attitude to motorhomes and certainly hope that the proposals come to fruition.

You can see the full report here: www.dover.gov.uk/Transport,-Streets--Parking/Parking/Parking-Strategy-Review/Dover-Strategy-Report.pdf Ext Link


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