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Plymouth Motorhome Aire

PlymouthGreat news from Plymouth!

From Street Services, Plymouth City Council:

I am delighted that after three years in the making we have finally been able to deliver the first stage in what I hope will be a huge drive to support motorhomes in Plymouth.

The first stage is the delivery of 8 motorhome parking spaces in our Coypool Park & Ride Car Park.

These are signed and marked accordingly and are slightly wider than standard bays, however are 12m in length to allow people to stagger parking and have a little breathing space.

The site has no height restrictions (these have been removed), has had new signage and arrows directing drivers to the Motorhome bays.

The site is excellent and I have installed CCTV and working to improve the public toilets here and looking for a waste disposal facility (not yet in place).

I have installed 2 large waste bins, for motorhome users.

The park has onsite bike hire, close to shops, restaurants and public transport links to the city centre,

We are working on this as a pilot for the summer and will review the use, the facilities and feedback during this time to ensure we do as much as we can to welcome, motorhome owners to our city.

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