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Planning Permission Refused for Motorhomes at Liverpool Marina

Liverpool MarinaLiverpool Marina have for some time allowed motorhomes to stay overnight at the Outer Car Park, Coburg Wharf, Liverpool L3 4BP

Campers and motorhomes of any size could be accommodated and there are 24 hr showers, toilet and laundry facilities, an on site restaurant and bar. Cost per 24hrs is £15 pay and display, coins only.  A water tap is available and chemical toilets can be emptied at a cost of £10.

There has been no formal consent for the use of the car park for motorhomes to stay overnight, however in November 2017 Liverpool Marina submitted a planning application for change of use of existing car park to allow up to 12 motorhome parking spaces with associated landscaping. A maximum stay of 72 hours within any 5 day period was to be allowed.

Restrictions on the use of the motorhome spaces would have prohibited electric generators, awnings/canopies, outside furniture, washing lines, amplified music, barbecues/outside cooking, ball games and other outdoor camping or recreational activities. Visitors were to be made aware of these restrictions when phoning to book in advance, on the booking page of the website and via signage deployed throughout the car park.

On 28th March 2018 the planning application was refused. The reason given was: "The proposal is considered unacceptable. Based on the requirements of local and national planning policy the proposal is considered to have a materially adverse impact upon the character and appearance of the area and the living environment and conditions of the surrounding residential apartments contrary to Policies E6, E8 and HD18 of the Liverpool UDP and the overarching principles of the National Planning Policy Framework."

Liverpool Marina are appealing the decision, you can support the appeal online at:

https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ViewCase.aspx?caseid=3203773 or email: West2@pins.gov.uk

Applicants name: Liverpool Marina

Appeal ref: APP/Z4310/W/18/3203773

Appeal start date: 5th July 2018, end date: 6th August 2018

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