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National Trust Plan for Motorhome Stopovers

National TrustFollowing a social media and email campaign requesting that the National Trust should permit motorhomes and campervans to stay overnight where possible, they have said that they will be considering allowing campervan and motorhome overnight stays at some of their sites.

Details are limited at the moment but, following reports of this on social media, we asked them for a formal statement.

This is their response:

"James Ingham, Head of Holidays at the National Trust, said: 'We’re currently in the process of reviewing and working on plans to enable more overnight stays for campervans and motorhomes in selected locations next year.'” 

The National Trust already accommodate campervans and motorhomes on campsites at some of their locations but we hope that this news means that they will be allowing simple 'no frills' overnight parking at some sites with suitable car parks.

We will be watching developments closely and hope to provide further information soon.

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