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D Day Museum Portsmouth

D Day MuseumWe have had the D Day Museum Car Park, at Southsea, Portsmouth, listed as an overnight stopover for some time, after assurances from both the local Tourist Office and the City Council Parking department that overnight stays are allowed and that there is no problem with motorhome users sleeping overnight.

There is however a recently erected sign, indicating, amongst other things, that overnight sleeping is not permitted.

This is what they have told us previously:

"With regards motorhome overnight parking in D-Day Museum Car Park, as long as the motorhome parks in a coach bay and purchases a coach bay ticket from the coach meter numbered 125 then all is good as far as we are concerned. If NO coach bays are available at the time of wanting to park up then could you please instruct drivers that they can park over 2 car bays but they must purchase 2 car bay tickets from other machines within the car park."

We have again been in touch with the Parking Services for Portsmouth, seeking clarification of their position on overnight stays by motorhomes.

After initially assuring us that there is no problem with motorhome users sleeping overnight, they subsequently stated that the sign is in fact correct and there is a ban on overnight sleeping.

We have suggested that they consider following the lead of Blackpool where a special overnight tariff for motorhomes has been introduced.

We will publish more information when we have it, in the meantime we have amended our listing to show that sleeping is not allowed here.

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