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Take the Slow Road - Ireland

Take the Slow Road IrelandThis is the third book in Martin Dorey’s stunning 'Take the Slow Road' campervan series.

The ultimate guide to the very best scenic and fun routes for camper vans and motorhomes around the valleys, mountains and coastlines of the whole of the island of Ireland.

Details from the publisher

Forget hurrying. Forget putting your foot down and racing through sweeping bends. Forget the understeer (whatever that is). Forget the blur of a life lived too fast. This is a look at taking life slowly. It's about taking the time to enjoy journeys and places for their own sake. It's about stopping and putting the kettle on. Stopping to take a picture. Stopping to enjoy stopping.

How are you going to do it? In a camper van or a motorhome, of course.

In this book we define the best driving routes around Ireland for camper vans and motorhomes. We show you the coolest places to stay, what to see, what to do and explain why it's special. We meander around Ireland on the most breathtaking roads, chugging up mountain passes and pootling along the coast. We show you stuff that's fun; often free. We include the best drives for different kinds of drivers; for surfers, wildlife watchers, climbers and walkers. We include the steepest, the bendiest, the scariest and most interesting. And you don't even have to own a camper van or motorhome – we'll tell you the many places you can rent one to take you on the journey.

All of this is interspersed with beautiful photos, handy maps and quirky travel writing from the king of camper vans and motorhomes, Martin Dorey. So if all you want to do is flick through it on a cold day and plan your next outing, you'll be transported (albeit slowly) to pastures, beaches, mountains and highways that make you want to turn the key and go, go, go!

Our review

Having travelled quite a bit of the UK and Ireland in campervans and motorhomes over the years we tend not to buy guide books, however this is so much more than a guide book.

It's well written, in Martin's chatty style, and includes details of 24 touring routes. Each one has a general description of the area covered by the route and its attractions, together with a notes about driving the route. All of this being enlivened with anecdotes from Martin of his experiences en route and some great photos. Each area described has a map showing the route, campsites to stay at, and suggestions for things to see along the route or nearby.

The introduction to the book has useful background for those who may be unfamiliar with Ireland, and also handy tips for beginners to campervan or motorhome holidays.

In conclusion, this is a book that we can highly recommend to anyone looking for inspirational drives through Ireland - slowly, of course!

Publication date: 14th May 2020
Author: Martin Dorey
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Pages: 368
ISBN: 978-1-84486-587-1
Price: RRP Paperback £20.00 eBook £19.20
Buy this book from AmazonExternal link
The first two books in the series are also available from Amazon, Take the Slow Road - Scotland: Buy from AmazonExternal link and Take the Slow Road - England and Wales: Buy from AmazonExternal link

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