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Bristol Motorhome & Caravan Show launches at the Bristol Balloon Fiesta

Bristol Motorhome and Caravan ShowThe Bristol Motorhome & Caravan Show will be launched on 9 to 12 August 2018 at the heart of the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta at Ashton Court Estate, Bristol.

Endorsed by the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta, this four-day show will put motorhomes, caravans and camping products, systems and services in front of serious campers and more than 500,000 visitors to the Balloon Fiesta.   

The Bristol International Balloon Fiesta is Europe’s largest annual meeting of hot air balloons, attracting over 130 Hot Air Balloons from across the globe.

The Bristol Motorhome & Caravan Show is being organised by Carnah, who have a strong track record of delivering highly successful consumer shows, including the Northern Boat Show in Liverpool and the Western Boat Show in Bristol.   Richard Milbourn, Event Director of the new show said, “The Bristol Balloon Fiesta already attracts huge numbers of campers at a number of sites surrounding Ashton Court Estate. We’re looking forward to providing a great weekend’s entertainment for everyone visiting the Fiesta and Show.”

Held over four days in August at Ashton Court Estate, both the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta and Bristol Motorhome & Caravan Show will have free entry with the only charges being made for on-site parking. The Bristol International Balloon Fiesta already has a large and established audience of campers at Kingscott Farm which will be extended with two new fields in 2018 attracting over 1,000 units camped on-site.   Whatever type of motorhome, caravan or camping product or service you are looking for, the Bristol Motorhome & Caravan Show is the perfect place to start your search.

Further details at www.bristolmotorhomeandcaravanshow.co.uk external link

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