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Does my motorhome need a tachograph?
Having heard from some owners of motorhomes with a GVW of over 7.5 tonnes that they had been told by VOSA that their vehicle must be fitted with a tachograph, we asked the Department for Transport for clarification of the legislation. The following summary has been agreed by the DfT as representing an accurate interpretation of the legislation:
For a motorhome (i.e. a vehicle with the Body Type recorded as 'Motor Caravan' on the V5C and fully fitted out as a motorhome) of any GVW there is no requirement for a speed limiter to be fitted, there is no requirement for a tachograph to be fitted (or if already fitted, to be used), and drivers hours regulations do not apply. In all cases, provided that the vehicle has less than 9 passenger seats and that the vehicle is not used for carrying goods.
'Living Vans', also 'Motor Caravans' of over 3500kg GVW used for carrying goods (for example traders who use their motorhome for carrying stock) are subject to goods vehicle regulations.
Our thanks to Rob Haggar, Roadworthiness policy team, Motoring & Freight Services Group, Dept for Tranpsort for responding to our queries